Once you've received your rewards, you can use them on the Lympo ecosystem.
You can utilize your Lympo credits to acquire (mint) Lympo digital collectibles (NFTs) from the greatest sportsmen in the world. You can gain more Lympo credits by locking up (staking) $SPORT — the main token of the Lympo ecosystem. By staking the tokens, you lock them up for a certain time period and in the process, accumulate Lympo credits.
The minimum amount of $SPORT required to start accumulating credits is 900. The Shoe of Momentum NFT you've received as a reward can upgrade the credit accumulation process and you will receive more credits faster. For the Shoe to be functional, it has to be equipped in the Trophy room.
These credits can later be used to acquire digital collectibles from the Athletes pool. Every few weeks we launch a new collection featuring a different sports celebrity — use your chance to get a unique digital sports memorabilia from your favourite athlete.
The price of the digital collectible will depend on the rarity of the card. For example, for 3 credits you can acquire a Common card from the collection, for 70 a Rare one, and buy a Legendary card for 220 credits. Common and Uncommon cards can be purchased only with credits, whereas to get Rare, Epic and Legendary cards you will need some $SPORT tokens as well.
Once you've acquired your first Lympo NFT collectible, you can either keep it in your collection, trade it on OpenSea or stake it. Similar to staking $SPORT and accumulating credits, you lock up your NFT, pair it with $SPORT tokens, and get rewarded with tokens in the process. You can also choose to utilize your Shoe here. This way, you’ll be rewarded with more tokens. One Shoe can only be used once.
Note: the reward collectibles will only be functional in the upcoming staking pools, they will not be applicable in the current staking pools — Contender I and Champion I.
Learn more about Lympo staking and minting here.